Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 15...Eating issues in action

So today was a success in some ways and a setback in others. I'm writing the blog today while driving back from california. I ended up having sugar today which gave me the usual high that I get from it. The good news is that I haven't binged or eaten nearly as much sugar and crap as I would have on past road trips. Understand that for me this is progress but it's also definitely not where I want to be overall. Tomorrow I start my next whole 30 which may end up going for longer. Google whole 30 for more info. Basically it's meats, fish, fruit, veggies, nuts and some yams. There are no other condements etc except for things like olives, artichoke hearts etc.You can also eat olive oil and coconut oil. No smoking, drinking, etc either. That part is fairly easy for me. So here's the food:

Meal 1: burger patty, 2 bacon strips, veggies, fries and a bit of mayo.

Meal 2: frappucchino, $6 low carb burger no cheese.

Meal 3: tbd

Remember setbacks don't need to lead to binges, self loathing etc. see you tomorrow.

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