Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 5...weights and cloudiness

Wow I was really distracted today. My mind seemed to keep wandering and I caught myself staring into space a lot. Don't know what that's about. I did weight lift today and had fun. I'm definitely losing some strength. That's to be expected initially with a calorie restriction and lower carbs. I'm not necessarily doing that on purpose but it is what's happening. I feel like I have been on a very long bulk :) now its time to cut down. I had a lot of cravings today but managed to stick 2 plan. I did have burger and fries at Denny's without the bun... Not bad bit not the healthiest either. That part of making something a lifestyle though...oh and I must have dropped some weight already. I fit in a smaller pair of pants! Will weigh in on Monday for my monthly weigh in.

Food for today:
Meal 1: small potato, orange pepper and an egg cooked in olive oil.

Meal 2: more buffalo tenders from yesterday, small sweet potato and mixed greens. Iced tea w/o sugar of course.

Meal 3: hamburger, 2 bacon, egg and French fries.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to do a 5 k for NAMI. We will see.

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