Sunday, March 25, 2012


Food is a tricky thing for me. It has always been this way. There are many foods that trigger me to have the desire to binge or strongly overeat. We don't need to get into the science of it, because it just is. I have had several different people who are doctors and/or who have studied nutrition tell em that many foods have a stronger effect on me because I am overweight. I understand the logic and science behind it and tend to agree. This post is going to focus on what foods I will be eating. You can assume that if it is not listed here, I am trying hard not to eat it. Partly, those foods are being excluded because they effect my health (sometimes literally) and partly because I want to stick my head in a huge vat of them when I eat just one. Professionals have been consulted and all is good. Unless something happens over the course of the year my food plan will stay the same. The workout and supplements that I post here will probably change as time goes on. I'm lucky in that I do enjoy working out and being active. Not all people who are fat (I use that world freely) are lazy or unfit. I can do a hell of a lot at this weight that some people much smaller than me can. that's because I have always enjoyed moving around and exercising...i just "enjoyed" food far too much. Ok onto the details...

Food Plan:

Once again, this is a list of stuff I will eat. Better to focus on what one "can or will do" than the opposite.


*All animal proteins including cured meats (yes they have a small, tiny, little bit of sugar), fish etc. I will also try to eat leaner cuts of meat when possible because I tend to feel better when I do this. Eggs too.

*All fruits, including dried fruits (no sugar added) and vegetables including starches and root vegetables. Yes white potatoes too. And yes avocados!

*Nuts and Nut butters (no sugar added)

*Occasional soy based products such as tofu.

*All oils with a focus on olive oil. Butter is cool too. So is animal fat.

*Spices of all sorts are great. So is anything canned or bottled as long as it has this stuff in it and nothing else.

*A small amount of wine used in cooking various dishes and sauces. A small (like 5th or greater) amount of sugar as an ingredient in something. Let's see how this one works out in the long run.

Juice that is natural and not from concentrate with no added sugar
A LOT of water (I live in the dessert)
Tea and Coffee with nothing added to it

This is what I currently take
2000 IU vit D
Whole foods multi
2000mg glucosamine (knee problems)
Fish oil capsule
100mg 5htp at night (great for sleep and depression)

That's it. There is no weighing or measuring. There is no counting calories, macro nutrients etc. There are no specified number of meals or meal times. I simply eat when hungry and stop when I feel satisfied. The only issue in regards to weight loss is one that I mentioned in the first post. I can potentially eat a lot without feeling satisfied. Though these foods tend to have a satiating effect on me so we will see.This is about overall wellness and I can say that the months I have been able to eat this way, I have felt so much better emotionally and spiritually as well. That's what's truely important to me.

And here is my general workout plan:

Weight lifting 3-4 times per week. If folks want i will elaborate on this in another post.
Water aerobic activity 3-6 times per week
Daily stretching activities
Dancing and other fun stuff whenever possible.

More to come tomorrow. Phew I'm a bit nervous but I know I can do it!

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Nutini -- I will join you in this. I have already made a plan for April to be a month of cleansing and re-establishing a concrete, regular intense workout and meditation schedule, so I'd love to share progress with you. I have a blog as well, and will post my plan and daily progress -- the support will be much appreciated. Feel free to kick my ass if I weanie out at any point. (-;
