Saturday, June 2, 2012

2 week update and roller coaster ride

I missed last weeks update. Im going to admit that I had some difficult feeling come up the past couple of weeks and succumbed to the sugar again. I didn't binge but am fairly certain I was eating too many calories. I've now been on my plan for 5 full days and am feeling better. I weigh myself in a few days. I'm sure that I haven't lost weight this month.

It's been rough emotionally for me. 6 months without binging or over eating has resulted in several emotions coming up and flooding me. People who aren't compulsive eaters may have a hard time understanding this. The experience of many who are has been that all the emotion buried by food come up. This can and usually is years of pent up bundles of emotion. Also, the mind will began to recall events from the past, some of which are traumatic.

So yes, I will be working through some of this in the program and with other professionals. I hope to see a nutritionist which should help as well. I feel happy that I am able to take care of myself and do what I need to do.